The Anchor
Program Fund
The Anchor Program Fund, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit fundraising organization dedicated to supporting and enhancing the Town of Hempstead’s Camp ANCHOR program for the benefit of children and adult residents with disabilities. We bring this to life through our skilled volunteer Board of Directors and Advisory Board, and Office Manager who are committed to securing and activating the resources needed to deliver the highest quality and most fulfilling experience for ANCHOR program participants.
Meet the Executive Board
Susan Cuoccio
John McKenna
Vice President
Caroline Pisaniello
Donna LoDuca
Board of Directors
Mary Campbell
Daniel Gigliobianco
Genene Haskell
Patricia Kilduff
Paul Lawless
Tara McCarton
Helen McDonnell
Kerry Montaigne
TJ Rice
Ann Beloten
Scott Beloten
Tara Bigay
Kate D’Agastino- Russo
Patricia McCormack
Donna McKibbin
Kathleen Nolan-Kasal
Marianne Pizza (APF Office Manager)
Francine Spitaleri
TheAnchor Program Fund, Inc. is a fundraising and dream-making organization that enhances and enriches the Camp ANCHOR experience. Why? Because we believe we that everyone, no matter their physical or intellectual abilities, deserves an opportunity to participate in fun, creative, and socially-engaging activities in an inclusive environment where they are safe and loved.